Adelia Roberts

Adelia has been dancing since the day she was born but started official dance classes at age 5. She has been in the Open championships since 2017. She has danced regionally, nationally, and internationally including at the 2022 World Irish Dance Championships in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Other notable locations include Vancouver, New Orleans, and San Francisco. Adelia has also completed all 12 Irish dance Grade Examinations showing competency in Irish Dance.

Adelia passed the TCRG exam in 2023, certifying her as a teacher through CLRG, the Irish dancing commission in Ireland. 

Adelia is also a licensed Utah Educator and works at Heber Valley Elementary School as a 4th grade teacher. In her free time she enjoys reading, listening to podcasts, and snuggling with her cat.


Brittanna Roberts Kercher

Brittanna has been Irish dancing since she was 5 years old and has been in the highest level of Irish dance for over 8 years. She has competed regionally, nationally, and internationally. Brittanna’s greatest dance accomplishment was qualifying for and competing at the 2022 World Irish Dance Championships in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Brittanna has also completed 10 Irish dance Grade Examinations showing competency in Irish Dance through CLRG, the Irish dancing commission in Ireland. She also has experience performing with well known groups such as the Chieftains, Natalie McMaster, and Christmas with the Celts. 

Brittanna is also a licensed Utah Educator and works at Wasatch High School as an Art Teacher, teaching drawing and printmaking classes. In her free time, she loves to paint, travel, and be outdoors. Brittanna currently lives in Heber, UT with her husband.

Carina Roberts Felsch
Administrative Staff

Carina (Roberts) Felsch started Irish dance classes in 2002 and she immediately loved it. She began competing in 2006 and quickly rose to a championship level. She competed across the U.S. and performed with famous Irish bands including the Cheiftans and Natalie McMaster. Her favorite and last competition was being able to dance at the North American Nationals with both of her sisters in 2017. After retiring from competition she completed all twelve CLRG grade examinations. She started Wasatch Back Irish Dance in order to bring Irish dancing to the community she grew up in.

Carina has a bachelors degree in Middle School Mathematics and at this time is traveling the country with her husband who is a travel nurse. She loves hiking, reading, backpacking, and exploring new places. Carina continues to help with some of the 'behind the scenes' parts of WBID.

A Brief History of Wasatch Back Irish Dance

Brittanna, Carina, Adelia at the Western Regional Oireachtas 2022

The Roberts Sisters (Carina, Brittanna, Adelia) grew up in the Heber Valley and fell in love with Irish dance. Growing up, they would commute to Utah Valley multiple times a week for dance classes. As they got older, they met people throughout the Wasatch Back that were interested in Irish dance, but couldn’t make the commute. The sisters started Wasatch Back Irish Dance as a way to provide Irish dance instruction to the communities in Wasatch and Summit Counties. Carina has since moved out of state and helps with administrative work virtually, while Brittanna and Adelia continue to run WBID and grow a love for Irish dance in the local community.

Adelia, Brittanna, and Carina are all highly experienced dancers, having achieved the highest competitive level in Irish dance competing nationally, and (A & B) internationally at the World Championships. They are also all three licensed Utah educators and understand how to teach students of all ages and help them reach high levels.

Wasatch Back Irish Dance has dancers reaching the highest levels of Irish dance and qualifying for national and international competitions. WBID has grown to 40+ students of all ages and levels, and now has their own studio space on Main Street in Heber, UT.

In 2023, Adelia passed her TCRG examination, certifying Wasatch Back Irish Dance to compete locally and internationally through the CLRG Commission in Ireland.

“The teachers here have been phenomenal mentors for my daughters.”

- Kara West, Parent